Skilled to be a Fire Expert

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Project/program title:Skilled to be a Fire Expert
Duration:25 months, 01. 10. 2020 – 31. 10. 2022
Project/program code:2020-1-SI01-KA202-076025
Lead partner:University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, UL FGG, Slovenia
Project/program leader:prof. Tomaž Hozjan
Other project/program partner’s organization*:

The Slovenian fire protection association, SZPV, Slovenia

University of Zagreb, Faculty of civil engineering, UNIZG GF, Coratia

Fire safety design company Inspekting, d.o.o, Croatia

Technical University of Ostrava, VSB, Czech Republic,

Czech fire protection association Majaczech, z.s., Czech Republic,

Source of finance:Erasmus +, KA2-VET-16/20
Key words:Fire safety; Fire protection; Fire engineering; Design; Fire experts; Advanced numerical models; platform; forum
Link to Sicris: 

A fire expert is a very broad concept, and the training of such experts is a very broad field. In addition to basic knowledge of the fire protection it is necessary to constantly upgrade the knowledge and information from new fire risks and measures to prevent the negative consequences of a fire. Thus, the partners of the European project Skilled to be a fire expert (SkilledFE) within the ERASMUS+ program deal with the content and the method of transferring the latest knowledge and relevant information on fire safety to the fire experts and wider community.

The project has begun on 1st of October 2020 and the work has been finished on 31th of October 2022. Besides the leading partner University of Ljubljana, Faculty of civil and geodetic engineering (UL FGG) and The Slovenian fire protection association (SZPV) two partners from Czechia and two from Croatia contributed to the project: Technical University of Ostrava (VSB), Czech fire protection association Majaczech, z.s., University of Zagreb, Faculty of civil engineering (UNIZG GF) and Inspekting, d.o.o.

Main goals**:The main goal of the project is the online learning platform, which aims at transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience between different fields and levels of experts, as well as between a theory and practice. The platform will include properly supervised data and ensure a current of information about newest challenges and discoveries in the field of fire safety.
Project/program work packages**:

The projects contents include 8 thematic modules:

  • Module 1: Fire risk assessment
  • Module 2: Prevention of spreading the fire to adjacent buildings and on facades
  • Module 3: Fire resistance of structures and prevention of spread of fire inside the building
  • Module 4: Evacuation
  • Module 5: Fire detection and alarm systems
  • Module 6: Smoke control
  • Module 7: Automatic fire extinguishing systems
  • Module 8: Firefighting measures

An additional “module” considered a pedagogy for VET providers.


The main outcome of the project is the Online learning platform for fire expert trainers, which is available on Currently, there are eight lengthy documents available on the platform, which were prepared by the partners of the project for each thematic module, as well as a brochure with short description of all modules. The documents were carefully checked by internal and external evaluators. Here, the interested reader can find basic principles of each topic and directions towards additional sources of knowledge. Additionally, document discussing pedagogy for lecturing to adult specialists is also available.

For a wider community of experts there has also been established an online forum, which is accessible from the platform webpage or directly on and is moderated by partners of the project. The forum aims at discussion of various fire topics, exchange of knowledge, opinions and international networking of fire experts.

Documents, available on the platform, are in English, due to the international nature of the project. Translations of certain documents (e.g. of the brochure) into national languages of the partners are in preparation.

Part of the project were also multiplication events and workshops, which were gathered in the second year of the project due to the epidemic:

  • 29th March 2022, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 22th April 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 27th June 2022, Prague, Czechia
  • 8th September 2022, Ostrava, Czechia
  • 14th October 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia