Non-standardised experiments
Fire experiments with measurement capability:
– weight loss,
– heat release rate,
– the concentration of gases in the combustion products,
– pressure changes and gas flow rates
– image processing and analysis

– PRUSA MK3S 3D printers
– CCD camera systems
– K-type thermocouples and the ability to measure up to 70 sensors simultaneously
– Datalogger 34970
– Arduino measurement and control units
– Bidirectional hot gas flow measurement systems
– Combustion exhausters
– TESTO 300 combustion gas analyzer (CO, CO2, O2)
– Scales for continuous mass loss measurement
– Remote data acquisition systems via LoRa, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

Research on new risks in fire safety
We investigate the hazards related to fire safety in buildings associated with modern trends in building construction. These include the following areas:
– fire safety of wooden buildings
– protection of buildings against forest fires
– the effect of wind on the fire safety of buildings
– fire safety issues in historic buildings
We share lessons learned
We share the lessons learned with firefighters and stakeholders around the world. We are involved in gathering lessons learned and preparing case studies, including the Royal Institute of Arts fire in Stockholm, Sweden and the Wildland Urban Interface fire in Mati, Greece.

Research on the ignitability of building structures
Part of our research is the protection of buildings from the effects of indirect spread of forest fires. This includes testing the ignitability of building structures, evaluating building protection, etc.
Advanced technologies in data analysis
In fire engineering research, we use advanced technologies in image processing to assess flame probability, flame dimensions, flame extraction in the image, etc.

Development of custom measuring systems
The research includes the development of new measurement systems for fire engineering purposes, including probes for bidirectional measurement of hot gas flow (especially flame), a wind tunnel for calibration of these probes, and other systems for specific research needs.

Cooperate with us
For more information, please contact us !
Created by Majaczech, z.s.